Come one come all! Join me at 5 West Lynn Ave Oct 25 11-1, Oct 26 5-7 and Oct 27 & 28 2-4 to see this beauty for yourself!
Contact Nicola St.John
What we do as children can become our dream jobs.
When I was a little girl I used to love building Barbie dream homes. Decorating, changing things around until the place looked amazing. Never really got into dressing the dolls…
Fall is Coming!
September is an interesting month! The children go back to school, the weather gets cooler and the Toronto real estate market heats up! The freehold market is up an astonishing…
A Parent’s Plea
Neither one was my kid…..But either one of them could have been. Nobody is immune. We are facing a mental health crisis….or rather we aren’t facing our current mental health…
“It was inevitable: the scent of bitter almonds always reminded him of the fate of unrequited love.” Gabriel Garcia Marquez Bittersweet. The wonderful and the terrible. This month, we lost…
You Don’t START On Boardwalk…..
Somebody said that it couldn’t be done And she with a chuckle replied That maybe it couldn’t but she would be one, Who wouldn’t say so till she tried. So…
Is it the Fall of Rome ?
Is it the fall of Rome ? December of 2017, in bone chilling cold I was fumbling with my phone wandering around outside the fence of a condo building downtown.…
A delightful client…
My client bought the most delightful home. Luxury and convenience at every turn. Bought and paid for….. I couldn’t be happier for you….Eat, drink, play and sleep well here !…
A nightmare of unbelievable proportions
I have a friend… A sentence every good story should start with. A friend living in the penumbra of a renovation project. My friend lives in a semi detached house…