I want to get a puppy!
I am joining a gym & getting in shape!
I am getting a tattoo!
I want to cash in on my nest egg & move to a condo!
What do all of these things have in common? These are the things people often want in order to make change in their lives.

Heck… I get it. Life is strange and short and lately it’s been getting weirder and shorter with lockdowns and climate emergencies and wars we can’t control raging around the world. So what can we control here in Canada? We can control what happens to our own bodies and our own personal things. We can choose what circles around us closely like friends or pets. Big changes make BIG CHANGES in our psyches and how we feel every day.
As a Realtor who lists properties, I come across this phenomena quite a lot. By the time I am meeting with somebody to sign a listing or buying agreement, they have already made a huge decision to change things in their life… And change isn’t easy but it seems necessary. You know the old saying… “A rolling stone gathers no moss.” By the time I first meet with people, that stone has already begun moving. It has already been rocking back and forth. Maybe it has lifted and turned over and moved forward a couple inches. It wants to roll but it isn’t quite sure how to. I am the facilitator of the rolling. Have you ever heard a Realtor say I will move you? Well, that is literally the job. We are here to help you move forward or sideways or just out of your old place into a smaller one that suits your needs more now. As the facilitator of change, there are big movements to navigate for our clients.
We need to know how the market works, and what is happening right now in it. We need to know the law and how agreements are signed and kept binding. We need a litany of carpenters and cleaners and inspectors and lawyers and staging companies and floor plan designers. All who are parts of the machine once it gets rolling. Once we decide as a real estate representative and seller or buyer, that we want to work together to forward your next move, we become a well-oiled machine that starts pulling forward immediately.
It’s not a small decision. I tell all my clients, we have to feel right working together. That is not a small thing. It isn’t a decision that people make lightly and it shouldn’t be. If you get a tattoo of a snake wrapped around your elbow… You have to make sure what colour you want it and how long it is and how the ink will react to your skin. There are pieces of that process that need to be discussed with your tattooist before you sit in the chair. The same is true about deciding to sell your house and move to a condo.

Do I need to paint? How much does the porch matter and flowers? Can I keep my collection of mythological sea creatures sewn into black velvet around my bed? Do the schools matter? Do you know someone who can move things for me? And storage? When do I buy in the process of selling? How much transition time is there? Most of the people I work with know that there is a lot to the process but really want me and my team to handle it. This is my job.
THERE WILL BE HICCUPS. There will be bumps in our road. Absolutely with 100% certainty, not everything will go according to plan. There will be a day or a week where you question whether you really like me all that much. We will get over it. We will ride out the rough patches. We will muck our way through some uncomfortable moments. This part is inevitable. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just spinning you a yarn. Don’t get spun.

Know this. If we choose to work together, I am going to help you get from A to Z. It might not always be alphabet easy, but you can ask me anything. You can make great changes in your life.
You can do the thing that seems insurmountable with support and knowledge and care.
Here’s the big secret from me.
I like it.
I like doing it.
Whatever weird moments in my life brought me to it, I like helping people move from one place to the next. I will constantly try to make the transition easier for you than you imagined it would be. And, hopefully, at the end of it all I can come over and have a glass of lemonade at your new place and you can show me around.